Brave Arti the Beagle Defies Cancer Odds

A devoted dog owner from Durham has expressed his deep gratitude for the veterinary team that has given his beloved Beagle, Arti, a fighting chance against cancer. 

The eight-year-old Beagle has defied all expectations, living more than two years with a rare and aggressive form of cancer, thanks to the pioneering treatment and dedicated care she received at Wear Referrals in Bradbury, County Durham.

Arti’s journey began in March 2022 when Ben Dobson and his wife Kerry discovered a lump on her side. Their worst fears were confirmed the following month when Arti was diagnosed with cutaneous lymphoma, a rare type of cancer that affects the skin. The prognosis was grim, with most dogs surviving only a few weeks after diagnosis.

“We discovered a lump on her side in March 2022 and in that April we were told it was a kind of cancer called cutaneous lymphoma. We were devastated and completely heartbroken,” Ben recalls.

“We were extremely concerned as the prognosis for cutaneous lymphoma is not good, and many dogs do not survive more than six weeks from diagnosis.”

Determined to explore every possible option, Ben and Kerry scoured the internet for information. Their research suggested that even with treatment, the best they could hope for was another 12 months with Arti. However, the resilient Beagle has surpassed all expectations, living over two years since her initial diagnosis and continuing to enjoy a high quality of life.

“But it has now been over two years since Arti’s initial diagnosis and she’s doing really well. She currently has no symptoms and has a great quality of life,” Ben shared.

“Unfortunately, there is no cure, but there’s no doubt her treatment at Wear has given us much more time with Arti and extended the time for which she can have a good quality of life.”

Key to Arti’s ongoing battle has been the specialist care she received. Aaron Harper, head of oncology at Wear Referrals, has been instrumental in guiding Arti’s treatment. As her condition progressed, Aaron recommended an innovative approach using electrochemotherapy, a cutting-edge treatment that has proven remarkably effective for Arti’s rare form of lymphoma.

“Initially, the lesions were treated surgically. This was successful but the recovery time was significant and she is not a young dog. As the number of lesions and frequency increased, surgery became unsustainable and Aaron recommended we try electrochemotherapy to locally treat the lesions, while minimising side-effects,” Ben explained.

“This has been extremely successful, with very few side-effects after each treatment and with many of Arti’s lesions being treated at the same time.”

Wear Referrals is the only veterinary centre in the northeast of England offering this advanced treatment, utilising a state-of-the-art Clinivet electrochemotherapy machine. This technology enhances the effectiveness of chemotherapy by using electrical currents to increase the uptake of medication directly into the tumours, achieving dramatic results.

Aaron Harper expressed his satisfaction with Arti’s progress, highlighting the success of the treatment. “The Clinivet electrochemotherapy machine significantly improves the scope of the oncology care we can provide to patients such as Arti,” Aaron said.

“The success we have had for Arti’s lymphoma means we can now add this to the list of conditions we can effectively treat with this technology.”

Arti’s story is one of resilience, hope, and the importance of specialist care in veterinary medicine. While her battle with cancer continues, the extended time she has with her family is a testament to the advancements in veterinary oncology and the dedication of the team at Wear Referrals.

For more information on the specialist services offered at Wear Referrals, including oncology, cardiology, and neurology, visit their website at Wear Referrals.

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