Miracle Recovery as Cat Impaled by Bamboo Cane Saved by PDSA Vets


A London cat is lucky to be alive after a freak accident in which he was skewered by a bamboo cane in his own garden. Now, his grateful owner is urging gardeners to ensure all plant support canes are safely capped to prevent similar tragedies.

Shadow, a three-year-old cat from Plumstead, South East London, endured a life-threatening injury when a 10-inch bamboo cane pierced his chest. It remains a mystery how the accident happened, but thanks to the swift intervention of the veterinary team at PDSA Pet Hospital, Shadow has made a remarkable recovery.

Owner Mark Rozier, 51, described the harrowing night: “I heard a terrible scream at 4am and immediately knew something was seriously wrong. I ran outside to find Shadow on top of the garden wall, with something sticking out of his chest. It was a horror to see, and we feared the worst.”

After a frantic search when Shadow briefly ran off, Mark managed to catch sight of the bamboo cane embedded deep in the cat’s chest. He rushed him to PDSA Pet Hospital in Thamesmead, where vets were shocked at the severity of the injury.

PDSA Vet Malcolm Fletcher explained: “The X-rays revealed the stick had punctured between two ribs and allowed air into the chest, causing Shadow’s lung to partially collapse. Immediate surgery was needed to remove the stick and repair the damage.”

The situation was critical, and Shadow’s family was warned that he might not survive. However, the PDSA team successfully removed the bamboo stick, drained the air from his chest, and carefully stitched the wound. After an overnight stay, Shadow was able to go home the next day with antibiotics, pain relief, and instructions for plenty of rest.

Mark expressed his gratitude: “Shadow isn’t just a pet, he’s family. We’re so grateful to PDSA for saving his life. I’ve now capped all my bamboo canes and encourage everyone to do the same.”

Shadow is now fully recovered, though he sticks close to home these days and is always inside by 10pm. His story serves as a reminder to gardeners to be cautious when using plant supports.

Laura Chow, head of charities at People’s Postcode Lottery, added: “Last year, support from our players helped over 85,000 pets like Shadow with vital pain relief and treatment. We’re proud to support PDSA’s life-saving work.”

For more information on PDSA and their services, visit www.pdsa.org.uk.

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