
Missing Dogs Alert: Loki & Pippin

On Wednesday 17th April 2019, Loki and Pippin were outside in their garden in Kineton, Warwick with another family Dachshund and members of the family when Weimaraner, Loki heard something and managed to sneak through the family’s hedge into next door’s garden followed by the other two dogs. In the time it took the family to get to the neighbours, literally two minutes later, they had completely disappeared.

It’s very hard to understand how they managed to get out of the neighbours garden without being seen as there were a number of builders there at the time and if they did somehow manage to get through a 5-bar gate, it’s on a very busy road. If they wandered out onto Southam Road, then someone must have seen them but no one has come forward.

As soon at the family realised they were missing, they immediately started their search. Loki especially wouldn’t have wandered, would have immediately returned when called and absolutely wouldn’t have gone off with someone else.

Therewere no reported road accidents involving a dog in the following hours and days and a massive poster and social media appeal led to not one sighting, not one person came forward to say they’d seen anything.

The only ray of light is that the other Dachshund did return about 20 minutes after they disappeared but was clearly scared and very nervous.

“We just don’t understand how they’ve just disappeared and haven’t been seen; unless they were picked up and stolen. Our other Dachshund was clearly agitated when they returned and was very scared, which confirms our suspicions that someone is responsible for Loki and Pippin’s disappearance” the family say.

This is also the opinion of Warwickshire Police, who also believe that Loki and Pippin are a victim of dog theft; a horrendous crime that is quickly on the increase in the UK. They have issued the family with a crime reference number and the family have alerted their microchip company to let them know that both dogs are now classed as stolen.

“The person who is responsible for the theft may have kept them but it’s also likely that they have split them up as they are an unusual pairing and they may have now been sold on separately to an unsuspecting family.” Iszy says.

“If you are that family, I just want to let you know that I understand your reluctance to get in touch as you may already love them or you may be concerned over any repercussions but my sole purpose is to bring my babies home. My life isn’t the same without them. My life is on hold until they come home. I miss them every second of every day”.

Both dogs are microchipped so they would be easily identified with a normal, routine microchip scan.

Iszy also wants to point out that Loki does have a hernia that does need to be regularly checked at a veterinary practice.

If anyone has any information relating to Loki and Pippin’s disappearance or knows where they are, please do contact DogLost on 0844 800 3220, quoting dog IDs 142702 and 142703 or call Warwickshire Police.

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